Plan to change your personality

Plan to change your personality

     In order to be successful in life there is a plan to change your personality; Contrary to some beliefs there is not a failure or a successful person! There is a person with potentials and ability to success and work hard; and there is a person who has the same abilities but he does not work hard to achieve success. If you are the second kind, I will show you how to change your personality to become stronger.

First: work on these things…

Work on your personality so that you have a strong will, an ardent passion, great characteristics, excellent morals and successful habits. Try to have a healthy way of thinking and a mature character, and then your life will become calm. Always thing of happy things, because if you did so you will be happy and get a happy life! You can’t change the universe, but you can change the way you think and live.

Second: mechanisms of change…

Your personality consists from a group of behaviors; these behaviors are either good or bad, so if you want to success in life you have to change, and if you want to get rid of your bad habits that consists a bad personality which causes you to fell weak and powerless in front of yourself and in front of others, you have to change, for example some people says: “I will stop smoking when I’m 35” and others says: “I will start a diet next month, so I can enjoy food now” this way these people mess a chance to start now and not tomorrow.

If you want to change you should start from now, without canceling it till tomorrow…

Enjoy your life… Good luck!!!

Plan to change your personality

potentials and ability to success, change your personality, change, be successful in life, work hard

from drselfesteem

How to get rid of the bad memories

How to get rid of the bad memories

Sometimes we go through bad moments that we do not want to remember, but we discover that we didn’t forget and the bad memories are still engraved in our minds, this usually happen when we see a picture, listen to a song or when we see a person that our memories are related to. In this article I will give you some steps that will help you to get rid of these memories.

Try to answer this question: “why didn’t I forget about this” may be because it didn’t finish, and you are not ready to turn on the page and start again? If it is so try to let go, life is short and we are torture ourselves with things from the past. I know that it is not as easy as this, but believe someone who wasted a lot of time in sadness, life goes on!! And everything has an end, so enjoy your life and let go of the past.

Try to know why you are remembering these bad memories? Is it a picture, song or something else? If you know the answers try to get rid of that thing.

If it is a bad memory try to remove anything related to it from your life, and this may be the hardest part, but you have to let go of the past and move on…

Good luck

How to get rid of the bad memories

How to get rid of the bad memories, get rid of the bad memories, bad memories

from drselfesteem

How to face the most embarrassing moments…

How to face the most embarrassing moments…

Awkwardness is one of the strongest and fiercest emotions that anybody can face. And the more people see an embarrassing action from you, the more embarrassed you will be. Here are the most common situations and how to deal with it.

  • A joke that nobody laugh for:

When everybody is listening and you say a joke, but nobody have laugh because they still waiting you to say something funny. In this situation you should be quick, react fast and don’t take it personally, but try to make it funnier and it is recommended to say something like “the next will be funnier” or something like so, but don’t try to change the topic or to quite.

  • Saying inappropriate thing in an offensive way:

Imagine that you are in a restaurant to have lunch with your work friends, and that your boss is with you, knowing that you do not know anything about her, then she gets anxious because a man enters to the restaurant, and she tell you that the man is her ex, and that her husband do not like her to talk with him, and you say “men do not like to be number 2 in a woman’s life” here you should apologies right away because of your words. Here when you apologies you will stop her from taking any negative reaction, also you will give this embarrassing situation an end!

  • A person who make you look like an idiot:

You are in a café with your friends, then a girl that you like come and you wanted to talk with here, but she react negatively. Here try to return back to your friends with a big smile and try to laugh about it and share with them to avoid being the idiot.

Good luck… 

How to face the most embarrassing moments…

How to face the most embarrassing moments, the most embarrassing moments, embarrassing moments

from drselfesteem

How to convince others with an idea

How to convince others with an idea

Convincing someone with your idea may seem a hard thing to do, especially if this idea concerns your future. As an example when you want to convince your father to give you money to start a project. In this article I’m going to give you some good techniques that will help you:

To convince others with an idea you should be very convinced with it first, because if you do not believe what you are saying, how can any other one believe you!

Also you have to be very careful when it comes to words because if you said some things that it is not clear the listener will be confused and of course he will not be convinced.

Try not to be offensive, because if you did so others will not be convinced even if your idea is perfect, so try to use your mind and be as calm as possible so that you can reach your goal and convince them.

Always give an introduction for your idea and then present your goal from it, and be logical 1+1=2 and reasonable.

Good luck…

How to convince others with an idea

How to convince others with an idea, convince, How to convince

from drselfesteem

How to break the boring routine

How to break the boring routine

Despite of the psychological and healthy benefits provided by the routine, humans must sometimes break this routine, or it will be a boring thing and will reduce humans’ abilities of Production and creativity. Here are some great ideas that will help you to break the boring routine:

You can go to the park, and walk barefoot on the green grass, also try to share things you love for example chocolate with someone you love.

Have a relaxing bath once or twice a week, and listen to your favorite music, also try to cook new dishes and use natural herbs in your food.

Take a break from your cell phone in a period in the day to relax and enjoy silence, also you can try to get some sleep so that you can wake up full energy.

Buy flowers to yourself and add some colors to your house, also buy a new perfume and put it when you are feeling bored.

Buy new books and start reading and try to find a new habit for example panting.

How to break the boring routine

boring routine, boring, How to break the boring routine, routine, break the boring routine

from drselfesteem

Mistakes also have benefits…

Mistakes also have benefits…

Mistakes also have benefits…

Can life have a magical solution as the computer keyboard “Ctrl+z”, that allow as to retreat from our mistakes? Isn’t it good that human have the ability to erase the parts that we don’t want to see in our lives?

Actually these 2 questions are the worst questions that anyone can ask, even if we need to think about it, but it can make a chaos more than it can give us poise.

 The moments of confusion and weakness are the moment that increase our awareness, and enriches our understanding. Even the great people, you can notice there greatness in their weak moments or in their mistakes, the moment that changes their lives was usually a big mistake.

Even Edison, one of the greatest people in the history, the inventor of the electric lamp was always showing off his mistakes, this means that behind his mistakes there is always benefits, “I discovered 1000 of ways that does not make an electric lamp”.

Actually I thing that mistakes are our greatest teachers, we get hurt but in the same time we learn a lot, so I do not have any desire to erase my past mistakes, I will do more just to learn (kidding)

Enjoy your life… Good luck! 

Mistakes also have benefits…

teachers, Mistakes, Mistakes also have benefits, benefits

from drselfesteem

Imagine what you want, and achieved what you imagine…

Imagine what you want, and achieved what you imagine…

Imagine what you want, and achieved what you imagine…

Imagination is everything; it’s the window from where you can see all the happy things you dreamed of. It is also the process of creating images in your brain, and this can be a success toll that human beings have through three effective ways:

  • Imagination activates the creative powers that your unconscious mind possesses.

  • Imagination keeps your mind focused by programming your mind to notice existing things that have not been noticed.

  • Imagination attracts people, things, and the opportunities that you need to achieve your goal.

Scientists have discovered that when you do any activity in the real world, your mind will use the same process if you are just imagining these activities. In other words your mind does not recognize any difference between what you imagine and what you really do.

Scientists have discovered also that students who where imagining their activities before doing it have done it with 100% of accuracy, while the students who didn’t use their imaginations have only 55% of accuracy.

How does imagination help to improve your performance?

When you imagine that you have achieved your goals a kind of conflict in your unconscious mind between what you imagine and what you already live in, so your unconscious mind try to solve this conflict by making your own realty change to a new one where your goals start to appear.

Use your imagination to create a better reality…

Good luck

Imagine what you want, and achieved what you imagine…

Imagine what you want, imagination, and achieved what you imagine, imagination help to improve your performance, better reality

from drselfesteem

How to get rid of shyness

How to get rid of shyness

How to get rid of shyness

Shame is a psychiatric disorder makes human caving within himself, shame limits talents and potentials. Here we must distinguish between shyness and modesty, modesty means taking into account the feelings of others.

There is many reasons behind shame, it could be physical or psychological, here are some solutions that may help you:

Write on paper what you are going to do, then identify the reasons that make shy and stops you from doing it

Develop your communication skills, and try to be the first one to speak

Every day say hey to at least 5 strangers, and don’t forget to smile. Go out and ask for places even if you know where they are.

Trust yourself this is the most important thing to do, enjoy your life

Good luck…

How to get rid of shyness

shyness, How to get rid of shyness

from drselfesteem

Public speaking: how to speak in front of people

Public speaking: how to speak in front of people

Public speaking: how to speak in front of people

Death, illness and poverty we think that these things are the things that scare us the most. In a survey was conducted on more than 100 people in the USA death, illness and poverty were not on top of what they fear from, it actually was talking in public!

One of the 100 people was asked why he put public speaking the first at his fear list and death in the first place he answered that death is instantly, he will feel nothing, but when he will talk in front of the people he will die hundreds of times.

This problem is one of the biggest in our time; here are some solutions that may help you:

Remember that you are not alone and just like you are afraid, anyone in your place will be afraid to, so keep calm!

Trust yourself, and try this trick, imagine that all your audiences are wearing dirty clothes.

If you did a mistake, take it easy you are a human being. Also practice and practice and practice

These things will surly help you, but make sure you trust yourself…

Good luck

Public speaking: how to speak in front of people

Public speaking: how to speak in front of people, Public speaking, how to speak in front of people, speak, Public

from drselfesteem

Anger management: how to control your anger

Anger management: how to control your anger

Anger management: how to control your anger

Anger is a momentary feeling; the problem is that when we are angry we don’t see it this way actually we can’t even see. You need only some will to get rid of it.

  • Go away:

Even if it is hard, but if there is a thing or a person that angered you, and it is difficult to solve the problem with, it is better to go away and do something else till you are calm and can think with you mind.

  • Deep breaths:

You may think that this solution will not help you, but the truth is it does! Just go to a place where you can be alone and close your eyes, take a deep breath from your nose for 30sec and let it out from your mouth. Anger boosts your heartbeat and your blood pressure, so when you take a deep breath you will calm down.

  • Exercises:

Such as running, hit the boxing bag this will help you to get the negative energy out and will make your mood better

  • Relaxation:

Try to do something that make you relax like reading, yoga or something that will help you to relax.

Good luck 

Anger management: how to control your anger

Anger management, how to control your anger, control your anger, anger

from drselfesteem