How to free your mind

How to free your mind

How to free your mind

The human mind can be a real prison, only if he chooses so. The only thing that we can change anytime is our thoughts, these thoughts that may be borders for you, that stops you from going out of it and limit your abilities and choices.
As an example when you visit a friend and he ask if you want to drink coffee or tea, this is a kind of limits because your mind will consider only 2 choices either coffee of tea not juice or water!

Also media plays a big role here, because somehow it shape our minds, sometimes we do not know anything about the country X and media starts to give you bad images that it want you to see and believe, this way your mind will not see any possible way to see this country X good, so automatically when you will see someone from the country X you will already have a bad image about him and you will treat him bad! Not because he is bad but because media has already shaped and limited your mind!

Also your studies, not everybody study what he wants, why?! Because when he wanted to choose what he is going to study, he find only limited stuff to study..

The thing here is that we should free our minds, erase the borders and limits, you have no idea how powerful you are! Humans have a lot of capacities that we do not use so why limit our minds?!! 

Good luck

How to free your mind

free your mind, minf, free, How to free your mind

from drselfesteem