How to make a man fall in love with you

This article is dedicated to girls sorry boys

Okay, you did search for the topic because you like him ( yes the man that came up to your mind right now) and for sure you want him to fall in love..
Well this is not a though thing to do if you follow what Iā€™m about to tell you:
  • Be different!

Yes girl the first thing you should do is be different or simply, be yourself. Now when a girl fall in love she start doing things to look perfect in his eyes šŸ˜€ well lady I would like to tell you that all the girls now do not get out of their home till they look perfect so try to be that girl that get his attention because she is different, because she is simple!
  • Give him a chance to think about you

Unfortunately some girls try their best to annoy the man they like, and they are thinking that this way will help them, no ladies men are not like us they do like a quiet girl that hit and run šŸ˜€ so that they can run after her

You can see How to make a man fall in love with you for more it is amazing

Good luck 

How to make a man fall in love with you

man, make a man fall in love with you, love

from drselfesteem