Overcome laziness and start work in two steps

Overcome laziness and start work in two steps

Overcome laziness and start work in two steps

You want to complete a project, or want to start a work or finish it? Do you have goals that you want to reach but can’t start, and if you did you can’t complete the missions?! You want to complete a mission and reach your goals, then you find yourself doing something else?!!

 Researches have proved that 75% of us are facing this problem which affects our lives now and if we did not overcome it, it will affect also our future. It also has to do with our feelings, because when we decide to do something and we don’t we will feel guilt, depression or even anxiety.

To eliminate and overcome this problem, I’ll share with you two Practical ideas:

  • Ask yourself “why I do not do what I should do”

There is always a reason that stops us from working, even if we usually don’t know it, but it exists anyway. Just like there is a factor that push us to work, there is the pull factor.

Try to answer this question; you don’t do the job because you expect failure? Because you find it boring? Bad mood? Or because of something else. This answer will show you the reason that stops you.

  • Try to fix the things that stop you from working

For example if you find that the job you want to complete is boring, try to look at it from another perspective. If you think that you will fail, then ask yourself what is the worst thing that may happen? You will find that you can treat the problem easily and those negative thoughts will not even happen!

If you want really to do something and find yourself feeling lazy, find the reason that stop you, fix it, and look at it positively.

Good luck

Overcome laziness and start work in two steps

Overcome laziness and start work in two steps, start work, Overcome laziness

from drselfesteem http://ift.tt/NxxeEg