The power of the positive thinking

The power of the positive thinking

The power of the positive thinking

Today, because of the problems that we face the negative thoughts is controlling most of us till we reach bad stages of hopelessness, that’s why we should move and think positively.

We must understand that Positive Thinking is not just to put good ideas in our minds and motivate our selves all the time, because this will be just a cover (a lie) and with the first problem that you will face your negative thoughts will return even worse than it actually was.

Positive Thinking is linked mainly to awareness, in terms of ideas and actions. Any action or idea has consequences either positive or negative. That’s why you should know the consequences of your actions and ideas, and prepare yourself to the worse.

 Let’s say you want to success in your studies, the positive thought that you should give yourself time to think about is not success in your studies, because success is a result not an action or idea, so you should think of how to success and work and study, understand what you have to do to get the result you want.

With everything you do, you have to work hard; some think that if they worked hard for 2 hours in a month they will succeed, and they forget that they had wasted hundreds of hours without studying, and think that he was positive and done what he could, and when the result is bad they lose hope and feel bad, this is not what we want!!!

That’s why positive thinking should work hand in hand with hard work, in order to get the right result.

The power of the positive thinking

positive thinking, The power of the positive thinking

from drselfesteem