Psychological pressures

Psychological pressures

The ability of self-control

Happiness is to feel that life is beautiful and worth living in, this feeling come from inside not from the things you have and possess, or the people around you. The smart man is the man who can live happy with his every day’s problems even if he couldn’t solve it, because happiness is not related to the absence of problems, because problems are related to life!

Avoiding misery is a tough process, but one should try to believe that happiness is the normal mood to any human being. Misery will stop you from doing what you want to do in life, and you can get rid of misery by living in your present.

You cannot give what you lack

To be able to love others you should first love yourself. So you should know the value of yourself by yourself, some people try to know their personal value by looking how much value others give them, this is wrong because you see the value they give you from their perspective and you forget that the only one who can know how valuable you are is YOU. You have to estimate to yourself and love yourself because no one will do it better than you.

You can’t be loved from everyone

There is no possible way to get the love of every one, and if you try to get that this means that you give the others value more than you give it to yourself. Everyone wants to be loved that’s what we are, but the important thing is do not feel that you need that love from everybody. Think that 50% of the people you know will like what you say and be satisfied with this 50%.

Get rid of your past

Get rid of your image from the past, for the example you say and believe that you are stupid and cannot do a thing and when someone asks you why, you say this is me I can’t change who I am as you believe that these characteristics exist in you long time ago and that it will stay with you forever. You choose these characteristics because you do not try to change the weak characteristics in your personality and you insist that you are weak, but you are not.

Psychological pressures

pressures, Psychological, Psychological pressures

from drselfesteem