Public speaking: how to speak in front of people

Public speaking: how to speak in front of people

Public speaking: how to speak in front of people

Death, illness and poverty we think that these things are the things that scare us the most. In a survey was conducted on more than 100 people in the USA death, illness and poverty were not on top of what they fear from, it actually was talking in public!

One of the 100 people was asked why he put public speaking the first at his fear list and death in the first place he answered that death is instantly, he will feel nothing, but when he will talk in front of the people he will die hundreds of times.

This problem is one of the biggest in our time; here are some solutions that may help you:

Remember that you are not alone and just like you are afraid, anyone in your place will be afraid to, so keep calm!

Trust yourself, and try this trick, imagine that all your audiences are wearing dirty clothes.

If you did a mistake, take it easy you are a human being. Also practice and practice and practice

These things will surly help you, but make sure you trust yourself…

Good luck

Public speaking: how to speak in front of people

Public speaking: how to speak in front of people, Public speaking, how to speak in front of people, speak, Public

from drselfesteem