The benefits of PMS for women

The benefits of PMS for women

The benefits of PMS for women

PMS is an essential event in the life of women, because it is linked to big events as puberty and pregnancy. Almost all girls are not happy when PMS arrive at the first time even if it is a healthy sign in their lives.

PMS has a lot of benefits:

  • PMS is the process of natural cleansing for a women, it cleanse the reproductive system from bacteria, and help to purify the rotten blood and take it out of the body.

  • PMS is like a medical report on the status of women health, this depends if the PMS come in its right time or not, the quantity of blood, its color and smell.

  • Slow down the aging process, because women get rid of the excess iron in the blood that’s why usually women live longer than men.

  • Organize the work of all the glands in the body thus contributing to the preservation of the work of the hormonal system.

  • Maintain the freshness of the skin and the protection of many skin diseases that’s why the women skin tend to be healthier that the men skin

The benefits of PMS for women

The benefits of PMS, The benefits of PMS for women

from drselfesteem