The power of self-confidence

The power of self-confidence

The power of self-confidence

It is important for the human being to be in constant movement and evolution, and help himself to make the right decisions, and say I grew up for changing my life.

One of the most important aspects that a person desperately needs to stand with in his personality is self-confidence. Because if a person has no confidence in himself, he will not be able to achieve anything in his life, and his life will have no meaning

Every man has his own confidence in a certain way, for example you will find someone who has confidence in speaking with people, his wife or with his children. Each one of us has confidence in a certain thing, and the person who says he has completely no confidence is wrong! The truth is he focused on one thing that he is lacking confidence in, and start to judge himself in everything else to finally say “ I have no self confident” as a result he will fell That all people are better than him, and that they are more important that he is.

A man who enjoys a measure of confidence does not suffer from fear; you see a look of confidence in his eyes simply because he is not affected by others or by the external circumstances, because he know what he want and believes that he can go beyond the impossible.

You are the one who make the impossibility surround you, so if you decided to do something there will be no impossible (Impossible = Im possible)
At the beginning we ask from where one can get self confidence?

We find the confident man moves in a certain way, and breathes in a certain way, because he know that no matter what happen he will success at the end

Most of the problems are because of that the other person wants you to be like him, so if he told you that if you do this you will be the best may be “the best” from his perspective not “the best” from yours.

There are people who know what they want, but the problem is that they do not know how to get that thing, and because these people can’t get what they want or they do not even try they start comparing themselves with others, and as a result they will start blaming themselves, their luck and the people, because when they do not get what they want they will be depressed, anxious and sad  

Don’t blame yourself, but learn from your mistakes and try to see the positive sides in your personality and try to correct the negative sides of it. Each one of us knows itself and knows the problems that he faces.

As humans we cannot judge other people just by how they look (Exterior). If you looked at yourself in the mirror you will see only the Exterior you will not see things inside of you even if these things are the real world that represent 90% of your abilities, you can’t see you energy, nor your heart, you can’t see how smart you are you will only see your Exterior. So how could you judge any one and that he is stupid smart strong or weak just by his appearance. So you can’t judge even yourself because you do not know how strong and smart you are, you are just thinking that you are weak, but you have no idea how powerful you are

The power of self-confidence

The power, The power of self-confidence, self-confidence

from drselfesteem